The ifconfig command ca display the current state of active adapters. It also can be used to assign network address and more. Run the ifconfig command by itself to reviews the active network adapters on the local system. If there seems be a missing network adapter, try the ifconfig -a command, which displays the current network adapters, whether or not they are currently active.
# ifconfig eth0
Configure a Network adapter with ifconfig
You can also use ifconfig to assign IP address information as well. For example the following command assigns the noted IP address and network mask to the eth0 (ethernet 0) network adapter.
# ifconfig eth0 netmask
The first parameter, eth0 ,tells you which interface is being configured. The next argument,, specifies the new IP address being assigned to this interface, To make sure the change worked, run the ifconfig eth0 command again to view its setting.
With the right switch ,the ifconfig command can modify a number of other settings for a selected network adapter.
Parameter Description
up Activates the specified adapter
down Deactivate the specified adapter
netmask address Assign the address subnet mask
broadcast address Assign the address as a broadcast address. Rarely required, since the default
broadcast address is standard for most current network
-arp Deactivates the address resolution protocol (ARP) ,which collects network
adapter hardware address
Activate and Deactivate Network Adapters using ifconfig
It's possible to use the ifconfig command to activate and deactivate network adapters. For example, the following command deactivate and deactivate the first Ethernet adapter
# ifconfig eth0 down
# ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig command call the appropriate configuration files and scripts in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory ,for details on how a network adapter is to be activated and deactivated.
For example, the ifup eth0 command brings up the first ethernet network adapter based on the ifcfg- eth0 configuration file and the ifcfg-eth script in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.
The ifconfig command ca display the current state of active adapters. It also can be used to assign network address and more. Run the ifconfig command by itself to reviews the active network adapters on the local system. If there seems be a missing network adapter, try the ifconfig -a command, which displays the current network adapters, whether or not they are currently active.
# ifconfig eth0
Configure a Network adapter with ifconfig
You can also use ifconfig to assign IP address information as well. For example the following command assigns the noted IP address and network mask to the eth0 (ethernet 0) network adapter.
# ifconfig eth0 netmask
The first parameter, eth0 ,tells you which interface is being configured. The next argument,, specifies the new IP address being assigned to this interface, To make sure the change worked, run the ifconfig eth0 command again to view its setting.
With the right switch ,the ifconfig command can modify a number of other settings for a selected network adapter.
Parameter Description
up Activates the specified adapter
down Deactivate the specified adapter
netmask address Assign the address subnet mask
broadcast address Assign the address as a broadcast address. Rarely required, since the default
broadcast address is standard for most current network
-arp Deactivates the address resolution protocol (ARP) ,which collects network
adapter hardware address
Activate and Deactivate Network Adapters using ifconfig
It's possible to use the ifconfig command to activate and deactivate network adapters. For example, the following command deactivate and deactivate the first Ethernet adapter
# ifconfig eth0 down
# ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig command call the appropriate configuration files and scripts in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory ,for details on how a network adapter is to be activated and deactivated.
For example, the ifup eth0 command brings up the first ethernet network adapter based on the ifcfg- eth0 configuration file and the ifcfg-eth script in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.